Sunday, May 10, 2015

Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 9-10

"...I don't want it to turn out that I was wrong in my boasting about you. I would be humiliated--and so would you..." 2 Corinthians 9:3-4 NLT

Dear Christian Brother and Sister,

What's being said by Paul about the Corinthian church, is what I could say about you.

And vice versa.

If we're out in the world proclaiming to be a Christian--we better be acting like one.

In all the places we allow ourselves to go. In all the circumstances we find ourselves in. In every action and reaction we make.

If not, we're ruining each others' reputations.

I want to boast in my Christian family.

I want to be honored and proud to be a part of it.

I want the world to want what we have in the family of God.

Not perfection--because that's not attainable this side of heaven.

But a real, honest, striving attempt to honor God.

We can do it. We have His promise to help us. We have the power of His cross behind us. We have His love in us.

We'll do it together,

Sister Malinda

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