Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Today's reading:  2 Kings 16-20

"...They walked down the same evil paths that Israel had established."  2 Kings 17:19 NLT

Where are we leading those following us?

Are we walking down old, worn paths that have been traveled for many generations?  Paths that are comfortable, easy and clearly visible?  Are they the right paths?

Do they lead to godliness? 

It might be time to blaze a new trail.  For your family, for your church, for your community. 

Just because it's 'always been done that way', does not mean it's right.  Just because it's a tradition, does not mean it's right.  Just because it's never been done any other way does not mean there isn't a better way, a way that reaches more souls and strengthens more hearts.  Just because everyone else is walking on it doesn't mean it's the right path.

Closely inspect the path you're on.

The right path, the path God wants us on, won't always be a leisurely stroll down a rose-scented walkway that meanders through the most lovely of scenic views.  It'll be the path that's straight and narrow.  It will be the path that leads through a few valleys of learning and trusting.  It will be a path that few are traveling.  It will be a path just narrow enough sometimes for just you and the Lord.  It will be a path that of eternal value.  It will be a path that's clearly marked--if we're looking to Him for direction.

We're all following a path--are we following the right one?      

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