Monday, April 20, 2015

Today's reading: Exodus 13-16

"Tell the people to march toward Pi-hahiroth between Migdod and the sea. Camp there along the shore, opposite Baal-rephon. Then Pharoah will think, Those Israelites are confused. They are trapped between the wilderness and the sea!" Exodus 14:2 NLT

Maybe your peace is leaving the world scratching it's head. You should be worried, they shout.

Maybe your joy is considered arrogant or misplaced. Your world is turning upside-down, they assure you.

Maybe the strength you're determined to draw from seems far-fetched. You cannot in a million years do that, they scoff.

Maybe the testimony you share is beyond belief. There is no way, they mock.

Maybe your determination to remain righteous seems very old-fashioned. No one lives like that anymore.

And yet as we walk with the Lord, there will be seasons where what He asks us to do, where He asks us to go, how He asks us to behave, what He asks us to believe and who He asks us to speak to seem confusing to the world.

That's okay--as with the Israelites, these hard-to-understand things are only a backdrop for a miracle the world is about to see occur!

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