Thursday, February 13, 2014

Today's reading:  Job 13-14

"Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him..."  Job 13:15 NKJV

Job wasn't understanding all God was allowing.

Maybe you don't either.

Job was scared to death of how much worse it might get before it began to get better.  If it was going to get better.

Maybe you are, too.

Job was broken, hurting, questioning and feeling very alone among his friends.

Maybe you know just how he was feeling.

Job decided to tell his friends, his enemies and himself that God was still his only hope.  No matter what had happened.  Despite what might still come his way.  Regardless of the outcome. 

Maybe that's what you need to be saying, too. 

Out loud.  Good and loud.  So everyone around you knows.  To convince yourself.  To remind yourself.  To strengthen yourself.  To let your enemy know in Whom you're trusting.

In the middle of the toughest times, God is still our ONLY hope.  He is all we have.  He is all we need.  He is all there is.  He is...well, that about sums it up--HE IS!


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