Thursday, August 20, 2020

Today's reading: Jeremiah 50

"But the one who redeems them is strong. His name is the Lord Almighty..." Jeremiah 50:34 NLT

Maybe you are sitting on the littered curb waiting for a knight in shining armor to swing by and rescue you.

Or for someone tall, dark and handsome to come sweep you off your feet.

Or for a prince to come and steal you from the castle tower and the menacing ogre that has held you captive for too long.

Maybe you are waiting for someone to rescue you from yourself--your own worst enemy.

Know this, and do not forget it...

The One who redeems us is strong!

He is not wrapped up in baggage of his own, tied down with addictions of his own, does not have a past of his own, doesn't have another family, won't have good days and bad days.

If you are looking for redemption, salvation, rescue, hope, help or safety in anyone else but God--you are placing your life into the wrong hands.

His name is the Lord Almighty!

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