Saturday, November 14, 2020

Today's reading: Acts 8-9

"When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away. The eunuch never saw him again but went on his way rejoicing." Acts 8:39 NLT

Wait a minute...

You mean to tell me this new believer...

This new to Christianity...

This brand-new to the church guy didn't camp out where he was baptized, pull up a chair and refuse to budge from where he was because he didn't understand where in the world Philip went?

He didn't want all the answers explained to him, with chapter and verse reference cited?

He didn't want the fully annotated Bible study printed and in his hands before he would go any further in his faith walk?

He didn't.

He knew he believed in the words Philip shared with him. He knew what had been explained to him in the scrolls he had been reading. He knew the Lord had spoken to his heart. He knew he was different. So, regardless of the circumstances with Philip--the albeit unusual circumstances with Philip--he went away rejoicing in his salvation.

Even in the unknown and unexplained parts of it!

There are several hundred pages of my Bible that leave me scratching my head, but I stand and celebrate the pages I do understand-God created, God loves, God sent Jesus, Jesus lived, Jesus loved, Jesus died, Jesus rose again, Jesus lives and waits for me in heaven.

That's reason to celebrate and move forward.

The other stuff? The other stuff God and I can uncover bits and pieces at a time as I walk with Him--or while I am in heaven!

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