Friday, March 13, 2020

Today's reading: Joshua 1-3

"The Lord left certain nations in the land to test those Israelites who had not participated in the wars of Canaan. He did this to teach warfare to generations of Israelites who had no experience in battle." Joshua 3:1-2 NLT

I don't know about you, but there are days during which I feel as if God has me in His bootcamp--cramming for exams!

Yep, even this devotion-writing-early-bird has those days when every temptation she has camps out on her doorstep, stares her in the eye and crawls up in her lap the moment she sits down in her prayer chair.

I used to think it was because I was such a spiritual weakling.

My enemy whispers its because God wants me to fail and knows I will.

Upon reading today's portion of Scripture, I find the truth--it's because God wants me to be faithful!

God allows these 'testings' to strengthen my faith-muscles.

He knows the more times I say 'no', the easier it will get to say 'no'.

He knows the more times I refuse to let myself go to those places, either physically or in my mind, the less I will want to go.

He knows the more times I tune into Him and tune out the enemy, the better I will hear His still, quiet whispers.

God has left some 'nations in my land to test me'. To strengthen me. To make me a stronger Christian.

So, friend, I'm putting on my fatigues, lacing up my combat boots and going out on the obstacle course again today--quite possibly to face the exact same problems and temptations as yesterday, but this morning, well, this morning, I have a new mindset...and I'm using the experiences from yesterday to make today a better day!

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