Monday, September 11, 2017

Today's reading: Numbers 17-20

"Whatever is specially set apart for the Lord also belongs to you." Numbers 18:14 NLT

In this portion of Scripture, God is speaking to the priests and Levites. He was giving them a run-down of their duties, the expectations He had for them and their benefits--perks, one might say.

One of these perks was that the things brought to the Temple, would, at least a portion of it, be theirs. It's how they would be provided for. It would be their support for serving the Lord.

I'm thinking this morning about the things we 'specially set apart for the Lord'. The things we ear-mark for Him. The things we give to Him that we give to no one else.

As much as we give it to Him, it is ours, too.

Our time--we give Him Sunday, at least I hope you do, and yet when we give it to Him, we are so greatly blessed by the time spent in church, the worship we give, the fellowship with believers.

Our money--we give Him our tithes, and yet when we give Him that portion, we can sit back and run out of fingers and toes counting all He gives back to us.

Our hearts--we give Him our hearts, the deepest darkest parts at times, and find that in giving it away, they are filled to overflowing!

It's true, what is His is ours.

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