Thursday, March 13, 2025


Today's reading: Genesis 40-43

"The next morning Joseph noticed the dejected look on their faces. Why do you look so worried today? he asked." Genesis 40:6-7 NLT

The cup-bearer and the baker had both had dreams. Disturbing, leaving them with questions kind of dreams.

They apparently, that day in the prison, wore their look of angst on their faces.

Probably not an uncommon look for a prison.

Probably not an out-of-the ordinary emotion to be felt.

Here's the thing: God gave Joseph the eyes to see it.

And the heart to ask about it.

And the gift to help.


Joseph wasn't there doing prison ministry--he was there as a prisoner!

In his own prison, he helped.

Serving his own sentence, he cared for others.

Behind bars, he chose to give a hand, not sit and sulk.

It's made me ask myself, What am I doing?

We all have a 'prison' or tough time we're going through. One that leaves us needing, wanting and hurting--but can't we serve others during it? Can't we lift our downcast eyes to notice the needs of others? 

Joseph did.

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