Thursday, February 29, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 24-26

"My eyes are always looking to the Lord for help, for he alone can rescue me from the traps of my enemies." Psalm 25:15 NLT

Ever taken a craftsman's, artisan's or vocational class? One in which you needed to keep your eyes on the instructor all the while attempting to do your own project?

Ever sat beside a grandmother while she taught you to knit or crochet? Your eyes were glued to her deft fingers while attempting not to get your own 'knit and purled' into the scarf you were attempting?

Maybe you've stood at the kitchen counter with a friend who was skilled in dough making, up to your own elbows in flour, watching her every move?

Have you been to an acrylics class in which you attempted to follow the instructor's every move with your brush? Your attention is torn between your own canvas and the one the artist seemingly flourishes upon?

What about in your walk with the Lord?

Are your eyes glued upon His leadings?

Is your heart set on following the instructions given in His Word?

Are you determining to be sensitive to any and all nudges given to you by the Holy Spirit?

Are you asking in prayer before taking a single step forward?

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Today's reading: Judges 17-21

"So Micah ordained the Levite as his personal priest, and he lived in Micah's house. I know the Lord will bless me now, Micah said, because I have a Levite serving as my priest." Judges 17:12-13 NLT

Micah lived in a time, denoted by several passages in the book of Judges, when people did what they believed to be right in their own eyes.

Micah's belief was that if he had his own priest, paid by out of his own funds, housed in his own home, eating from his own table--then the Lord would bless him.

Maybe you're laughing at this idea?

Your own personal minister, pastor, preacher, evangelist, living with you? Walking alongside you in all that you do? Never having to leave the house for a blessing, a sermon or a quick spiritual question?

Maybe you're doing it as well, but not by having your own preacher-in-your-pocket.

Maybe you've established a few idols with which you believe the Lord will bless you because of?

The idol of church attendance.

The god of faithful volunteer.

The statue of all the checks you've written to the church.

The monument you have built with all the different Bible translations you've acquired.

The calendar you have marked with all the occasions you've delivered a meal to a needy brother or sister.

Surely the Lord will bless me now, we all say with these small gods, little idols, mini shrines.

Isn't that 'doing what is right in our own eyes'? If anything other than God holds the place of importance, worship, focus or hope in our eyes, it's an idol.

Check your 'house' for idols and personal priests lodging within the walls of your heart--I'm going to be doing the same thing!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Today's reading: Genesis 32-35

"Then Jacob prayed, O God of my grandfather Abraham and my father, Isaac--Oh Lord, you told me to return to my land and to my relatives, and you promised to treat me kindly." Genesis 32:9 NLT

Jacob gives us a prime example of how to pray in this portion of God's Word.

He doesn't sit quietly pondering what to say.

We don't find him at a loss for words.

He isn't writing and re-writing what it is he wants to/ought to/can say to the Lord.

He simply repeats back to God what God's already said to him...

You told me...

You promised...

We cannot go wrong praying back to God what God's spoken.

We can find His promises throughout Scripture.

We can find 'thus saith the Lord' on just about every page of our Bible.

We can search out what's written in red to lead us in prayer.

When we pray back to God what He has already spoken, we're not going to mess up!

Monday, February 26, 2024


Today's reading: Matthew 23-25

"Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will remain forever." Matthew 24:35 NLT

Our women's Sunday School class is currently studying the book of Revelation.

It's a deep dive into God's Word. It's written in ways our 21st century minds aren't used to. It's full of imagery and similes that leave us scratching our heads from verse to verse.

It's also full of things we fathom--and scare us to death.

It's foretelling a time when to not be His will be catastrophic.

The world as we know it will be completely up-ended and if we are left here, things will not go well for us.

But God's Word?

The truth of the Scriptures?

The Gospel?

The redemption Story?

None of that will ever change!

Even in the last days of the Tribulation, when the world is going up in smoke and evil seems to rule--the answer, the way out, the truth and the life will still be found in Jesus--as the Word says!

Heaven and earth will disappear, but God's words will remain forever!

Sunday, February 25, 2024


Today's reading: Romans 15-16

"So accept each other just as Christ has accepted you; then God will be glorified." Romans 15:7 NLT

Just a friendly reminder this Lord's Day...

They might not look like you, accept them.

They might not act like you, accept them.

They might not have it all together like you want everyone to think you do, accept them.

They might still smell of the pigpen of sin, accept them.

They might have very, very rough edges, accept them.

They might not worship like you prefer, accept them.

They might not grow in Christ's likeness as quickly as you thought they should, accept them.

Christ accepted you the way He found you, didn't He?

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Today's reading: Isaiah 40-44

"I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to anyone else. I will not share my praise with carved idols." Isaiah 42:8 NLT

This verse reminds me that I, too often, give God only joint custody of my heart.

I fail to give Him all of my affection, attention, talent or faith.

I place myself and other just as faulty idols in places where He deserve complete rein, full access and total control.

And He lets me. He's a gentleman like that.

But He also allows me to quickly find out that my idols fail, they are limited and they are lacking at best.

He wants all of me, warts and all--because He does not like to share!

Friday, February 23, 2024


Today's reading: Job 15-16

"O God, you have ground me down and devastated my family. You have reduced me to skin and bones--as proof, they say, of my sins." Job 16:7-8 NLT

Are you too concerned, bruised or defeated by what 'they say'?

Does your mind replay, over and over, words spoken to you, about you, over you by 'them'?

Are you feelings, attitudes, emotions and actions based solely upon 'public opinion'?

Are your ears finely tuned to 'community sentiment' expressed by those who are not your Lord and Savior?

We have to choose to listen to the Voice of Truth.

We must make an effort to hear God above all other noises.

We are asked to let the Holy Spirit, not other faulty humans with fickle opinions, lead us in all things.

I'm praying this morning that God's opinion, direction and promises speak directly to our hearts and minds today!

Thursday, February 22, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 21-23

"We praise you, Lord, for all your glorious power. With music and singing we celebrate your mighty acts." Psalm 21:13 NLT

You may very well giggle as I allow you to peak inside my thoughts this morning in regards to this verse.

When I think of all the Lord has done, for me, for the world, in the seen and in the unseen, here is what I picture... 

A one man band.

You know the kind: cymbals strapped to his knees, a harmonica in a rest right before his mouth, strings running down his shirt sleeves that attach to a drum on his back so that with every move of his arms the drum beats, an accordion or banjo in his hands.

Laugh if you will, but this fella is a picture of what I believe our lives should be in response to God's glorious power.

Every step we take should praise Him.

Every move we make should offer Him applause.

Every turn of our selves should clamor honor to His name.

Every single act we do should celebrate the fact that He knows us and moves heaven and earth to show us that love!

Yep, a one man band of praise--that's what we are each called to be.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Today's reading: Judges 12-16

"Delilah realized he had finally told her the truth, so she sent for the Philistine leaders. Come back one more time, she said, for he has told me everything." Judges 16:18 NLT

It's not that Delilah was so acquainted with the truth that she recognized it when Samson finally shared his secret....quite the opposite!

For a gal in the position she was in...

Having been raised in the community she had been raised in...

Being in the employ of the people from whom she would draw a paycheck...

Using her tenacious nagging as she did...

Chances are truth was not in her, but she knew when Samson spoke it.

Our unbelieving friends do, too.

Our unsaved loved ones do, too.

When we speak the truth of God's Word, regardless of how they respond to it, they know it to be the Truth.

It flies in the face of all they are leaning on.

It goes against all they had been errantly building up.

It stands in stark contrast to the life they were attempting to live.

So let's keep sharing the Truth...

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Today's reading: Genesis 28-31

"At the time they left, Laban was some distance away, shearing his sheep. Rachel stole her father's household gods and took them with her." Genesis 31:19 NLT

Too often I am guilty of 'stealing gods'.

I serve the Lord, but I also tend to 'hedge my bets' by adding a few idols to the mix--just in case.

I lean on the Lord, while working my fingers to the bone.

I trust in God's Word, but do all I can to see done what I want to see done.

I believe God loves me, but I attempt to tick off all the boxes in the column titled, Good Christian.

I know God has in store what's best for me, but I go ahead of Him, at a much quicker pace, on a different timeline that He uses.

I am aware God sent Jesus for the world, but have a tendency to guard what I have from the ones He places in my path that might need it, too--as if there isn't enough of Him to go around.

Rachel stole her father's household gods for insurance purposes. In case this God of her husband and father-in-law didn't work out as she had hoped.

This morning I'm attempting to empty my pockets of the idols I had stashed away for the same reasons. 

Monday, February 19, 2024


Today's reading: Matthew 20-22

"Most of the crowd spread their coats on the road ahead of Jesus, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road." Matthew 21:8 NLT

Most of the crowd, it says--not all.

What about the ones who did not celebrate Jesus coming into Jerusalem?

They were not the majority.

They were not acknowledged.

They were not blessed by His appearance.

They were not seeing what the others saw.

They did not know what to do with Jesus, what to think about Jesus, how to respond to Jesus.

Maybe they were not as impressed by the Messiah as the majority of the onlookers.

I'm asking myself this question--which part of the crowd am I?

Do I celebrate every time I see Him do a work?

Do I praise Him each time I notice Him stepping into my situation?

Will I celebrate Him--no matter how He appears?

I have Jesus in my midst every moment of every day, as surely as those on the streets of Jerusalem had--how am I responding to His presence?

Sunday, February 18, 2024


Today's reading: Romans 13-14

"We should be decent and true in everything we do, so that everyone can approve of our behavior. Don't participate in wild parties and getting drunk, or in adultery and immoral living, or in fighting and jealousy." Romans 13:13 NLT

Decent and true in every we might think that's too high a calling to take on, but let's break it down, choice by choice...

-Our Bible before our Facebook time?

-Prayer instead of the morning news?

-Obeying the speed limit, no matter what?

-Paying the taxes we have due?

-Exiting ourselves from conversations in which gossip is the topic?

-Setting aside Sunday as the Lord's Day?

-Forgiving the other person? No string attached. No 'fishing in that pond' any longer. Whether they know it or not.

-Remembering it's not all about you?

-Letting go of bitterness?

-Pausing to listen--really listen?

-Doing, one thing at a time, what we know we have said we would do?

All at once, being decent and true might be a little overwhelming, but when we decide to do it choice by choice, moment by moment, day by day...well, I believe that makes it more doable for us all!

Saturday, February 17, 2024


Today's reading: Isaiah 34-39

"Say to those who are afraid, Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies." Isaiah 35:4 NLT

Christ follower, what are you doing to spread God's love, peace and salvation?

Not what Bible verses are you quoting. 

Not what religious tracts are you handing out.

Not how many invitations to church you are passing along.

It's a scary world out there.

Folks are fearful.

Many lose sleep afraid of the shadows of life.

Are you telling people about the peace that comes from knowing God? The kind of shalom that allows for sleep-filled nights, watchfulness for the rainbow after the storm, for good to come from bad?

Say to those who are afraid, Know God and lose your fears.

Friday, February 16, 2024


Today's reading: Job 13-14

"Tell me, what have I done wrong? Show me my rebellion and my sin." Job 13:23 NLT

God chose Job.

Only for his godliness? Maybe. Maybe not.

There is the possibility that God chose Job because Job would ask the hard questions.

Or because Job would most closely represent the people (us) who would follow up on his story generations later.

In this single verse, I see more of Job in myself than in any other verse in his story, as he asks--Is it all about me?

-What have I done wrong, Lord?

-Where have I failed, God?

-How did I not understand what it was You had for me to do, Heavenly Father?

Job didn't seek to blame.

Job didn't, in this statement, seek to be seen as the victim.

Job wanted to make sure his account was clear with the Lord.

When things go wrong in our lives, do we first go to God to seek His understanding of the situation? Do we pause in His presence to see where we might have misunderstood His assignment? Are we humble enough to acknowledge our part in a problem--and desire to be corrected?

Some things are not our fault. Some things are. Only God can help us sort out the difference and make the corrections as He deems needed.

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 18-20

"But in my distress I cried out to the Lord; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry reached his ears." Psalm 18:6 NLT

I've gotta tell you, in times of trouble, God's not always my go-to-guy.

Maybe you're gasping at that admission.

Maybe you'd have thought someone who writes about the Bible every morning has it all together.

Maybe you thought, thinking you knew me, I would never do that.

Well, I do--or, I don't...however one might write that.

I have an innate tendency to exhaust all my own resources, ideas and abilities before turning to the Lord.

I will often times in desperation turn to Google and see what the world wide web has to say about my situation and the handling of it before I seek God's will and way in regards to the matter.

I will moan and groan among praying friends about the problem I have, expecting their tidbits of wise advice, not asking them to pray.

Why do I do that?

I know the power of prayer.

I know the immensity of the One to whom I pray.

I know, without a doubt, that everything is held in God's hands.

It's very, very little about what I, the internet or good friends can do for me.

I desire that my first response becomes a cry to God--knowing He hears me from His sanctuary! I want to become the kind of pray-er that uses God as my first resort, not my last.

What about you?

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Today's reading: Judges 7-11

"They forgot the Lord their God, who had rescued them from all their enemies surrounding them." Judges 8:34 NLT

I needed the reminder this morning that the recommendations, commands, charges and commissions God makes of us are for our benefit. He gives us a number of ways in which, by obedience, we are called to remember all He has done for us...

He asks to assemble together--so we don't forget.

He asks that we share our stories of salvation--so we don't forget.

He asks that we live prayerful lives--so we don't forget.

He asks that we love one another--so we don't forget.

He asks that we keep His Word before us--so we don't forget.

He asks that we observe times of communion--so we don't forget.

He asks that we forgive one another--so we don't forget.

He asks that we give to the poor, the needy, the orphans and the widows--so we don't forget.

All these things so that we will keep in front of us what He has done for us. 

Are you faithfully utilizing these reminders?

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Today's reading: Genesis 24-27

"I will cause your descendants to become as numerous as the stars, and I will give them all these lands. And through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed. I will do this because Abraham listened to me and obeyed all my requirements, commands, regulations and laws." Genesis 26:4-5 NLT

All because of one man's obedience, dedication and commitment to the Lord a nation was born. A nation that continues. A nation that thrives. A nation that through the course of history has had God's hand upon it. A nation that holds the spot as apple in God's eye.

All because of one man.

It makes me think, this morning as the sun begins to rise on a new day--what can God do with my obedience, my commitment to Him, my desire to honor Him with my life?

Who will be blessed because of my relationship with the Lord?

How many generations will be touched because I chose the side of the Lord and did not waver?

Where will God take the efforts of my service to Him?

What will become of the faith I have today in all that I've given to the Lord?

These words regarding Abraham make me want to hitch up my skirt-tails and continue on! Not for myself, but for those who will follow in my footsteps and for the blessing God will pour out on them because of my faithfulness to Him.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Today's reading: Matthew 17-19

"Jesus told him, If you want to be perfect, go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me. But when the young man heard this, he went sadly away because he had many possessions." Matthew 19:21-22 NLT

We would discuss the faults and shortcomings of the rich, young man mentioned in today's portion of the Bible.

We could debate over all that held him back from being the Lord's wholeheartedly.

We could chastise him, in memory.

We might list fault after fault of this young man and his poor choice.


Or we could see ourselves in his actions and choices.

We could quickly assess our own desire to have what the world offers instead of following Jesus.

We might find ourselves looking into a mirror of self-centeredness instead of into the face of our loving Savior.

We would surely notice that his faults are not entirely his own, but ones we have all--every one of us--been guilty of committing.

What do we put in front of Jesus?

What do we choose over Him?

How do we show, in word or deed, that second place is where we place the One who died on the cross for us?

The young man walked away from his conversation with Jesus sad, because he chose the world...what about us?

What are we leaning into...

What are we depending upon...

Where are we looking for love in all the wrong places...

Who is eventually going to let us down...

Sunday, February 11, 2024


Today's reading: Romans 11-12

"...When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask?" Romans 12:1 NLT

If you were to start out your day listing all the things the Lord has done for you...

-saved your soul from hell

-answered your prayers

-opened doors

-kept you from harm

-given you the blessings you have

-provided you with another day

...when you think of all the things He has done for you, could He ever ask you to do too much for Him?

Saturday, February 10, 2024


Today's reading: Isaiah 29-33

"How stupid can you be? He is the Potter, and he is certainly greater than you. You are only the jars he makes! Should the thing that was created say to the one who made it, He didn't make us? Does a jar ever say, The potter who made me is stupid?" Isaiah 29:16 NLT

How stupid can we be to question anything God has done, will do--or doubt what's coming?

We think we know.

We think we have bigger, better plans.

We think our wisdom reaches into any and every situation in which we find ourselves in.

But we are merely the jars He has made.

The workmanship of His hands.

The created, not the Creator.

The One who made us can be trusted with us, with our futures, with the messes we made of our pasts and with today--our purposes, our mission opportunities and our provision.

Friday, February 9, 2024


Today's reading: Job 11-12

"...Who doesn't know these things you've been saying?" Job 12:3 NLT

Among believers there is a tendency to be able to dole out the wisdom, advice and instruction that's found in the Word--but not personally apply it.

We know it, we just don't always apply it.

We have the words stored in our memory and sometimes in our hearts, but we don't always use it accordingly.

We have the knowledge, we just don't have the wisdom to use what we know.

Or we choose not to.

Or we determine in our hearts that we don't need it.

Or that it's good advice for someone else, but would never work in our set of circumstances.

Who doesn't know is not the problem...

Who doesn't apply what we know is the real issue at hand!

Thursday, February 8, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 15-17

"My steps have stayed on your path; I have not wavered from following you." Psalm 17:5 NLT

Maybe our enemy has you thinking your testimony is not a 'great one' if it doesn't include drugs, gutters, far countries or chains of addictions being broken.

Maybe our enemy has silenced you in sharing how much God loves you because you don't have a great lead in like, 'God found me in...' or 'God saved me from...' or  even, 'I had turned my back on God because...'

Hear this. I guess more appropriately would be, Read this:


Sin is sin. Sure, some stink more than others. Some reach out wider and touch the lives of more people. Some sins seemingly have greater consequences and deeper stains than other sins might.

But in God's eyes, all sins are equal, all people are sinners and all those who come to Him have a testimony!

Share yours. If your story involves a dark alley and a gutter, share it. If your story involves staying true to God for many, many years, never wavering, always serving, share it. If your story has just started this morning, share it. 

When your know Jesus as your Savior and the Forgiver of all your sins, you have a story!

Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Today's reading: Judges 1-6

"After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel." Judges 2:10 NLT

Tom Brokaw has written a book about those born, raised and involved in the World War II era. He has lovingly and fittingly named it, The Greatest Generation.

The very title leads us to expect great things of these folks we read about in the pages of his book.

But it also leads us to either fall short of their examples--or excel to standards that far surpass the marks they made in history.

The same is true of our Christian walks.

Are you of the 'greatest generation'?

Are you carrying on what's been handed to you in the form of a godly upbringing?

Are you a trailblazer, a first generation believer in the Most High God?

Are you reclaiming what your parents disregarded in terms of God and the facets of Christian life?

Or are you choosing laziness in regards to rearing your children in the fear and the admonition of the Lord, and becoming the 'lesser generation'?

Are you dismissing the laws of God for the laws of comfort, self-centeredness and the world?

Are you failing to recall all you have been introduced to through the pages of the Bible--and the testimonies of those who lived before you.

Which generation will you be? Greatest or Lesser? 

Will the Lord be important to you--and quite possibly to those after you because of that choice?

It's a lot to think about but it's important. It's going to determine how we're remembered and what state we leave for our following generation.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Today's reading: Genesis 20-23

"Lay down the knife, the angel said. Do not hurt the boy in any way, for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld even your beloved son from me." Genesis 22:12 NLT

The decision to trek off to the land of Moriah.

The saddling of the donkey.

The strapping of the pile of firewood on Isaac's shoulder.

The building of the sacrificial altar.

The tying up of Isaac.

The pulling the knife out of the sheath.

Didn't God see the small steps of obedience Abraham was showing? 

But God chose to wait until the last moment.

The exact point at which He knew there was no turning back for His servant.

The moment in time in which Abraham settled in his heart of hearts that he was all in--or all out.

That's when God knew.

Truly knew.

What's it going to take for Him to know how deep our obedience goes? What final step in follow-through will be required for God to know, without a doubt, that we are all in for Him? What mountain will we have to climb, what altar will we have to build, what special possession will we have to tie up and place before Him--for Him to know we're serious about being His?

Monday, February 5, 2024


Today's reading: Matthew 14-16

"Bring them here, he said." Matthew 14:18 NLT

Jesus is speaking to His disciples in this portion of Scripture.

It's just before He prays over the five loaves and two fishes and feeds 5,000.

It's a simple command.

It's a do-able request.

It's directed at just who He intends to carry it out.

And this morning, as I sit in my prayer chair--I realize His command hasn't changed.

It's not gotten harder.

It's not had steps added to it.

It's the exact same--Bring them to me.

Bring 'them' to Me.

'Them' might be your lost loved ones.

'Them' might be your heart's burdens.

'Them 'might be your neighbors who don't know the Lord yet.

'Them' might be your heart aches.

'Them' might be your broken dreams, dashed hopes and wildest imaginations.

'Them' might be your fears, your regrets, your shameful moments.

'Them' might just be your enemies.

Bring them to Me.

Sunday, February 4, 2024


Today's reading: Romans 9-10

"Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is that the Jewish people might be saved. I know what enthusiasm they have for God, but it is misdirected zeal." Romans 10:1-2 NLT

I personally do not know a lot of Jewish people.

To be quite honest, I could probably count on both hands the acquaintances I have that have Abrahamic lineage.

But I do know some folks needing saved that have misdirected zeal!

People who would be powerhouses for the Lord--if they were on His side.

Folks who have a stockpile of talents--that could be used mightily in God's kingdom.

Individuals who are absolute pleasures to be around--but are destined for the pits of hell without their turning to the Lord.

This morning, in regards to those I know who need the Lord, I'm praying that God re-directs their zeal. I'm asking that God orchestrate and manipulate the orbits of the universe to put these folks in positions in which they are called up on to speak His name.

They have the enthusiasm. They have the talents. They have the hearts. They don't YET have the Savior.

Saturday, February 3, 2024


Today's reading: Isaiah 23-28

"Listen to them as they sing to the Lord from the ends of the earth. Hear them singing praises to the Righteous One! But my heart is heavy with grief. I am discouraged, for evil still prevails, and treachery is everywhere." Isaiah 24:16 NLT

A quick Google search can locate many, many tribes, tongues and nations praising our God.

Maybe they are singing a song whose tune we recognize, but the words we cannot translate.

Maybe they are shown devouring God's Word as presented to them, hungry for food but even hungrier for truth.

Maybe they are risking the lives of their family members or their own in order just to gather with a group of believers in an undisclosed location, with an ear to the door, knowing God is their Protector.

But from the ends of the earth they sing!

North. South. East. West. All singing praises to the Righteous One!

Friday, February 2, 2024


Today's reading: Job 9-10

"For God is so wise and so mighty. Who has ever challenged him successfully?" Job 9:4 NLT

I'm sure like me you have some loved ones who you are praying closer to the Lord.

Ones who have never accepted Jesus as their Savior, ones who have wandered from the faith, ones who know how to live for the Lord, but choose not to.

Those loved ones, those loved souls, are precious to our hearts and to God.

They cannot fight Him and win.

They cannot ignore Him, He's too big.

They cannot go beyond Him realm of knowledge, caring or protection.

They cannot outsmart the Lord.

We can be sure of that!

So when your prayers seem fruitless, keep praying--God is so wise and so mighty!

Thursday, February 1, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 12-14

"The Lord's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over." Psalm 12:6 NLT

Silversmiths spend a lot of time over the heat of a flame making sure silver has been skimmed of all its impurities, leaving a pure product--all silver, all the way through.

God's promises have been tested in the same way. Over time. Through various circumstances. In the lives of so many different people.

And the result?

His promises remain pure. Dependable. Unwavering. Enough.

Maybe you're in the middle of a 'faith test' and wondering if the Lord's promises are going to come to pass for you. Short answer--Yes!

Long answer--The Lord's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over.

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