Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Today's reading:  Psalm 66-68

"If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, my Lord would not have listened."  Psalm 66:18 NLT

I don't know about you, but I desperately need God to hear and answer my prayers.

I have family members for whom I petition the Lord on a daily basis.  I have friends who depend upon me speaking to my Creator in regards to their needs.  I have personal needs for which I fall at God's feet, the only one who can help me.

I cannot afford to have my prayers stifled by sin.  I cannot allow the sins in my heart to cover my mouth like duct tape over a kidnapped victim's mouth.  I have to be heard.  I have to cry out.  I need to pray and know, without a doubt that God hears me.

So I cannot allow sin to settle itself in my heart.

I cannot let grudges be held by the shackles of my heart.

I cannot allow anger to rule my emotions and spill out onto the lives of those I'm around--because it does, you know.

I cannot keep record of wrongs done to me, even the worst ones.

I cannot allow my responses, reactions and repentance of sins to be based upon the actions, words and life of another.

I cannot let fear take root in my heart and paralyze my hands and feet.

I cannot doubt His abilities or my need for Him.

Layer by layer this morning I am peeling off the strips of duct tape that keep my prayers muffled and useless.  Bit by bit I am releasing my heart and prayers to Him.  Piece by piece I am reviewing what's in my heart and realize He has a work to do in me...freedom, the freedom to be heard by my God, will only come through Him.

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