Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Today's reading:  Numbers 21:1-22:20, Luke 1:1-25, Psalm 56:8-13

"...This I know: God is on my side." Psalm 56:9 NLT

What a shot in the arm this morning! What a reminder of the victories that are mine! What a note from my Father!

Maybe you needed it, too.

To know He is for you, not against you.

To be told, once again, that this fight for faith is worth every ounce of strength you muster for it.

That current struggles are temporary. That this world, and its troubles, is not our home.

To be encouraged by the Word.

To be able to press on one more day...one more hour...one more minute...one more breath.

If you are sure of nothing else, be sure of this: If you are His, God is on your side!

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