Tuesday, August 3, 2021


Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 1-4

If you are reading along with me you have found yourself squarely in the 'begats' this morning.

Maybe you had hoped for a little more inspirational reading.

Something with a little more 'meat'.

Something a little more personal in nature.

Me, too...then God quickly and lovingly and in His very gentle way reminded me of this...

This summer our Vacation Bible School used the very elemental phrase Jesus Loves You as our theme. It was the premise for all our Bible lessons and the truth we hoped to convey to each and every child through every Bible account, song, craft, game and moment spent with them.

One of the lessons we chose for that week was the account of good, old Zaccheus.

We talked about his stature--he was a wee, little man.

We talked about his sins--he was a ruthless, purveyor of taxes.

We talked about his falling short--in making friends and in being able to see Jesus.

We also talked about his finding a tree that aided him in being able to see Jesus that day.

A tree that had to have begun growing at least 70-80 years prior to Zaccheus's need.

A tree whose branches were meticulously placed where a short man could have reached them.

A tree that was growing right alongside the path where Jesus would be walking.

Specifics. God ordained specifics.

Kind of like our own family trees...or genealogies.

You, and I, are only here, by God's grace, because He allowed our great-great-great-great grandparents to cross the paths He allowed them to cross at the time He chose for them to cross paths.

Ever thought of that?

You wouldn't be the Christian you are today, if not for the genealogy you own.

You wouldn't be in the church family you're in, if not for the genealogy you have been given.

You wouldn't have the testimony you have, if not for the genealogy He specifically wrote out for you.

Genealogies have taken on a different look to me!

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