Thursday, November 17, 2016

Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 7-8

"There is not one single person in all the earth who is always good and never sins." Ecclesiastes 7:20 NLT

There is nothing like arising at the pre-break of day, sitting down to an ancient, but timeless, manuscript and have it speak directly to your heart!

God has chosen to do that for me this morning...and I am in awe at how, once again, He has spoken directly to me in regards to just what I needed to hear.

I stood in need of a Savior.

Even at the young age at which I was saved, I had sin in my life.

Sin that separated me from Him.

So He sent His Son--His One and Only Son!

That's love. That is redeeming, grace-filled, mercy-laden, demands-a-sacrifice, kind of love.

And we all need it.

Every person I will come in contact with today, needs a Savior.

What will I do to point them in His direction? What will I say? How might I treat them having been given this morsel of knowledge this morning?

It is factual, there is no one who doesn't need God.

It is vital.

It is an urgent task.

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