Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today's reading: Psalm 128-130

"From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me--let Israel now say--from my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me, but they have never been able to finish me off." Psalm 129:1-2 NLT

Satan has whispered and satan has roared. Unsaved friends have laughed. Ungodly loved ones have mocked and jeered. Society has taken jabs, called me intolerant and dependent. My temptations have lured me away, dirtied my hands and heart and left me alone in the shadows. Their words have cut. Their beatings have hurt. Their accusations have bruised my heart and caused my mind, on more than one occasion, to wonder if I was right..but they've never, never, been able to finish me off!

My enemies have not seen the last of me or my Lord. My enemies cannot take a rest, let up or think for a moment that they've got me for good. My enemies, errantly, believe they've got me--but they don't. My God and I are traveling the path towards godliness. He is not going to leave me and no one, or no thing, will ever drag me away from Him!

What about you?

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