Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Today's reading:  2 Samuel 10-14

"Then David confessed to Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord."  2 Samuel 12:13 NLT

David could have sent a letter expressing his regret to Urriah's family.

David could have told Nathan he was sorry.

David could have apologized to the soldiers involved, the servants affected, the friends and family who were touched by David's choice.

But he knew to Who he truly owed a confession--God.

Against God David sinned.  Sure, others were involved, but David had broken God's laws, placed an obstacle in his relationship with the Lord and had snubbed his nose at all God had given him and the importance placed in him being a godly leader.

Our sins are no different.  They are against the Lord.  Apologize to Him.

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