Monday, May 17, 2021


Today's reading: Exodus 29-32

In reading Exodus 32 this morning, about the golden calf, I find things in it I've not found before.

Oh, I've read the account on numerous occasions. I've heard it preached from the pulpit. I've seen the flannelgraph presentation. I've used it in teaching kids' lessons. It's not new.

But this morning, this morning I'm seeing it with different eyes.

This morning, it's got me thinking about the 'golden calf' I set up when God doesn't move, or act, or perform in the time I allot Him.

I get myself into a whole lot of trouble 'in the waiting'. In that span of time when God is at work behind the scenes. When He has asked me to anticipate His handiwork, but I think I should butt in and do a little here and there to 'help Him out'. In the time He has gifted me to be still and rest.

It is in those times I set up the idols of independence, pride and my most used 'golden calf', control.

Flimsy. Unstable. Unreliable. Temporary. To say the least.

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