Monday, August 28, 2017

Today's reading: Numbers 9-12

"Moses answered, Wait here until I have received instructions for you from the Lord." Numbers 9:8 NLT

Moses was having to deal with an issue that had arisen within the camp of Israelites.

He wanted to make the right choice, because he knew it would touch the lives of many.

He desired that he and the children of Israel be obedient in everything they did.

Deep down I would guess this group of two million wanted to get along with what God had instructed them to do, celebrate the Passover, but Moses asked them to wait--wait, just long enough to hear from the Lord.

I get that. Both sides. The wanting to get on with what one believes God is instructing one to do, and the wanting to make sure it's done in the God-way.

It's a struggle. I feel like a little kid who cannot sit still in her seat while I wait. I get fidgety. I get antsy. I get wiggly. I go back to that feeling of knowing the answer, having my hand raised and the teacher looking on the other side of the room at another student...Ooh, Ooh, Ooh!

"And Moses said unto them, Stand still, and I will hear what the Lord will command concerning you." Numbers 9:8 NKJV

Today I want to stand still and hear the Lord. I want to not rush headlong into anything. I want to know without a doubt it's Him and His way for me.

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