Wednesday, July 13, 2022


Today's reading: Psalm 81-83

"Sing praises to God, our strength..." Psalm 81:1 NLT

Sad to admit, but sometimes I forget that God is my strength.

I am quickly reminded when the checking account I was leaning so heavily upon is drained...

Or my health takes a drastic dive...

Or a friend lets me down, painfully down...

Or the plans I so painstakingly plotted out are dashed...

It's then I am refocused on the simple fact that God is my strength.

In His strength my heart beat for the first time.

In His strength my lungs filled with praise for my first breath.

In His strength my soul found forgiveness and eternity.

In His strength my lips share the Good News of His love for me.

God is my strength, I will do well not to forget that! 

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