Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Today's reading:  Psalm 27-29

"I pray to you, O Lord, my rock.  Do not turn a deaf ear to me.  For if you are silent, I might as well give up and die."  Psalm 28:1 NLT

The online Lexicon I use shows me that in the Hebrew and Greek the phrase, 'Do not turn a deaf ear to me', is translated to be, 'do not remain speechless'.

Talk to me, Lord, it says.  Don't give me the silent treatment.  Don't hold back what You have to say.

I've been there.

I've begged to hear His voice above the roar of surrounding circumstances.  I've pleaded that He give instruction--not a complete essay of His plans, but a simple command like 'go' or 'wait' or 'stop'.

I've sat quietly wanting to have Him bring to my mind a verse or a hymn that will soothe, a healing balm for the hurt.  I've made a concerted effort to keep quiet and listen, wanting to hear His voice and not my own.

I've yearned for His words of encouragement.  Not applause.  Not kudos.  Not pats on the back.  But a simple, 'Well done, my child.'

I've wanted Him to call me out on what I might be doing wrong.  Before I got too far into it.  Before I dragged too many others down.  Before my focus was taken off Him.

Talk to me, Lord, I've said.

For God to remain silent would be reason to give up.

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