Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Today's reading: Esther 1-5

"If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die." Esther 4:14 NLT

Esther has been made aware of Haman's wicked plan to annihilate the Jews.

Mordecai has asked her to speak to the king on behalf of her people.

She is afraid, but has given protocol as reason not to approach the king.

Mordecai tells her, thru Hathach, the words of this verse.

I'm asking myself this morning, am I listening to and following through with all that God is asking of me?

Am I believing my obedience to Him breathes real life into my life and the lives of those around me?

Am I willing to settle for being less than blessed by my decision not to obey what He asks?

What will die within me every time I choose my own path rather than His?

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