Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Today's reading: Psalm 102-104

"He has not punished us for all our sins, not does he deal with us as we deserve." Psalm 103:10 NLT

 Here's what I am overwhelmed with this morning...

God, in His grace and mercy does not punish me to the extent I deserve to be punished, and yet Jesus died on the cross and bore the pain for every sin I have or will commit.

Every sin.

The ones I'm unaware of.

The ones I hope you're unaware of.

The ones I refuse to admit.

The ones I've laid at His feet--over and over again.

The ones others believe I need to lay at His feet.

I should be a spoiled child banished to her room without supper for days or months on end. I should be told by my Heavenly Father to sit in the corner and think about all I've done. I should be placed in 'time out' until my attitude changes. I should be grounded. Spanked. Receive the penalty of death for the sins I've committed.

Wait...I'm not saying there are not times I am punished in that way, but His love has so covered the multitude of my sins that I can honestly say, as the psalmist did, He does not deal with me as I deserve.

And for that, this wild child of His is forever grateful!

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