Monday, April 30, 2018

Today's reading: Romans 10-12

"For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9 NLT

Save-to deliver from sin; to rescue or deliver from harm or danger; to preserve or guard from injury, destruction or loss; to maintain or preserve.

You know, I've been a Christian since I was 7 years old.

That's 40 years of me being able to say God saved me, Jesus' blood cleansed me and the Holy Spirit has guarded and guided me.

That's a lot to celebrate.

A whole heap of a lot!

But to be quite honest, I needed today's verse, today's definition and today's whisper of the Spirit in my ear of how very much of a gift that salvation truly was.

You see, I don't view it on a daily basis as the monumentally, amazing display of grace that it was.

I take this precious offering of His for granted.

Oh, not intentionally--but I do none the less.

I have been delivered from my sins...all of them! I have been rescued from the pits of hell! I have been preserved for the good things God has planned for me...ages before I was even born! I have been preserved, set aside, made available for such a time as this!

I confessed. I believed. I have been saved!

What about you?

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