Monday, July 31, 2023


Today's reading: Leviticus 22-24

In reading about the festivals ordained by God, I realized something...

Christians today do very little pausing to celebrate.

To remember.

To recall all God's done for us.

Oh sure, we're busy fighting the good fight, carrying out programs, livestreaming our services and buying all the cute Christian T-shirts, but are we pausing to celebrate?

Are we grinding to a halt and placing thoughts of Him squarely in the forefront of our minds?

Are we putting aside all we believe to be important to lift up the One thing that matters?

These festivals were scheduled because God knew how busy life would get.

These festivals were commanded because God knew how easily we might forget all He had done.

These festivals were required because God was well aware of how exhausted we would become without that planned for pause.

I'll ask you what I've asked myself--Am I pausing to celebrate the Lord?

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