Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 96-98

"...Each day proclaim the good news that He saves." Psalm 96:2 NLT

Do you share Jesus every day?

Do you see the challenge in this verse, the opportunity it presents for us to evangelize to a lost and dying world?

It's not that we need to quote Scripture.

We don't always have to invite someone to church.

It's not even a matter of presenting, with slides, tracts or flannelgraph pictures, the Romans Road.

It's about stating loudly and proudly that Jesus has saved you!

A simple statement about your appreciation for your own salvation.

An inserted comment about the grace you've been shown.

A remark about the hope you have.

A view that differs from the world's.

A Facebook post.

Answering, Blessed, when someone asks how you are.

A smile that leads someone to asking what in the world you have to smile about.

A kind word when your response could very easily be heated, hot and bothered.

The Good News that Jesus saves can come out in so many other ways than quoting Scripture. Make an attempt to add this proclamation to your conversations, your responses and your discussions. Every day!

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