Friday, August 20, 2010

Today's reading: Hosea 1-7

Campaigns are out to inform folks of the dangers of smoking. Brochures are printed en masse regarding screenings you can have to catch cancer in early stages. The past year's flu epidemic has birthed an entire advertising blitz to urge the nation to watch for signs, to get vaccinated, to wash their hands. Those who are in the 'know' know information is the key.

It's not a new concept. God's known it all along...

"My people are being destroyed because they don't know me..." Hosea 4:6b NLT

It's true, isn't it?

More time in His Word would produce stronger Christians. Christians who can stand up to temptation. Christians who know, 'thus saith the Word of God'. Information is the key!

More time on our knees would produce hearts molded by the Maker's hands. Hearts that seek to do His will. Hearts that acknowledge and respond to the slightest sin in a timely fashion. Time in His presence puts us in the know.

More time worshipping, individually and corporately, would produce the Church God intends. God's commands spoken from the pulpit would produce an informed congregation, not an appeased one. More choosing to worship would produce a closer bond with God and a blessed group of church goers, because as the song says, 'When the praises go up, the glory comes down!'

We have the opportunity to become informed, to be informed, to stay informed--and in doing so, live the abundant life He has planned for us!

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