Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Today's reading: Psalm 33-35

"For the word of the Lord holds true. and everything he does is worthy of our trust." Psalm 33:4 NLT

Everything. That's quite an encompassing word. Covers an enormous area. Contains all we can imagine, think of or consider.

Basing a few statements upon this one verse, we can suffice it to say, we can trust all God allows or permits in to our lives. It is the fine print of an agreement He has with us...

Cancer is covered under the word 'everything'.

Death is covered under the word 'everything'.

Change is covered under the word.

Wait is covered under the word.

Prodigal is covered under the word 'everything'.

Pain is covered under the word 'everything'.

Any questions we might have, any circumstance that might cause us to doubt, any time in our lives when we cannot quite understand--everything He does is worthy of our trust.

That leaves us no time at all to worry, fret or fear!

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