Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Today's reading: Luke 16-18

"Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones..." Luke 16:10 NLT


What if Jesus had said...

'If you aren't faithful in the waiting, you won't be faithful in the having.'?

Are you so busy expecting, praying for and planning around the 'next big thing' in your life that you are stepping over all God is doing for you right now?

Too many of us are.

We barely tolerate today in anticipation for tomorrow. A better tomorrow. A brighter tomorrow. A shinier tomorrow. An easier tomorrow.

I don't think that's being faithful.

Faith is believing every moment of today has been hand delivered to us by God for us to see God in and for us to use for the world to see God reflected in us.

Is that what you're doing with today?

Every moment of today?

Even the smallest moments?

Because, you see, the smallest moments of time (seconds and minutes) eventually add up and make up the largest moments (months and years) of our lives spent serving God.

"Unless you are faithful in the small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones..."

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