Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Today's reading: 1 Samuel 12-15

"Don't be afraid Samuel reassured them. You have certainly done wrong, but make sure now you worship the Lord with all your heart and that you don't turn your back on him in any way. Don't go back to worshipping worthless idols that cannot help or rescue you--they really are useless!" 1 Samuel 12:20-21 NLT

Maybe you don't struggle like I do.

Maybe it's easy for you.

Maybe you aren't tempted, weak or lacking in resolve like I am.

Maybe you're never tempted by anything satan dangles in front of your face.

Maybe your old self never shows up and takes control of your day.

Maybe, but I'm thinking you are as in need of a grace giving God as I am.

'Don't go back to worshipping worthless idols', sounds like a simple enough command as I sit this early morning in my prayer chair.

I have no shelf where I keep my little gods.

I have no shrine set up where I worship and pray to idols.

And yet on a daily basis, I'm having to come to grips with the fact that I am drawn away from God by worthless things.

Things that promise. Things that glitter. Things that prostitute my heart. Things that lure. Things that come more easily. Things that divert my attention. Things that the crowd make look almost godly. Things that are worthless and life-sucking. Things that make me doubt all He has promised me.

And yet He offers me hope!

He desires that I turn my eyes and heart back to Him. He wants my attention, my worship, my life. He gives me more than I deserve and more, much more, than any of my idols could ever offer.

All but Him is worthless.

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