Monday, February 12, 2018

Today's reading: Mark 13-16

"A signboard was fastened to the cross above Jesus' head, announcing the charge against him. It read: The King of the Jews." Mark 15:26 NLT

King-a male monarch of a major territorial unit; one whose position is hereditary and rules for life; a paramount chief; one who holds a preeminent position; if capitalized, God, Christ.

Pilate and his soldiers were not the only ones to flippantly referred to  Jesus as 'King'.

A lot of us do it.

A lot of us call Him the King of Kings, not realizing our definition and regard for the position we ascribe Him means little to us.

The definition reminded me of His the world, and in my heart; His the world, and in my heart; and His the world, and in my heart.

I own nothing, therefore, I cannot rule over anything.

I have no authority, therefore, I cannot rule.

I am no one, therefore I cannot rule.

I need a King...and God provided one for me!

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