Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Today's reading: Judges 1-6

"The Lord left certain nations in the land to test those Israelites who had not participated in the wars of Canaan. He did this to teach warfare to generations of Israelites who had no experience in battle." Judges 3:1-2 NLT

Life lessons are tough, but once you bear the bruises, callouses, scars and memories from them--they are lessons that are never forgotten.

What would any of us truly know of God's goodness, character, kindness, love, mercy, grace or forgiveness had we lived this life with no trials, troubles, temptations or testings?

Some of us have learned the power of prayer from hours spent on our knees.

Some of us know just what it feels like to feel death come to life in our own bodies.

Some of us know how tightly we must cling to Jesus to get through sinful desires.

Some of us know the restorative power of God's love because we have tasted it.

Some of us know the exact distance of the far country and the warm hug of a loving Father who has run from the porch to meet us.

I praise God for the 'certain nations' He has chosen to leave in our lives so that we will know the experience of battle.

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