Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 25-29

I'm reading this morning about the gatekeepers David established to monitor the comings and goings in Jerusalem, the Lord's city.

These appointments were deliberate, they were intentional, they were well thought out and they were to be generational.

There were 4,000 God fearing Jewish men who were selected for this task based on their bloodlines.

We, friends, have been selected for the same job--based on Jesus's blood covering our hearts and lives.

We are to monitor what comes and goes across the gates of our minds, through the passageways of our eyes, across the threshold of our thoughts, through the doorways of our ears and into our hearts.

How are you doing at your job?

Are you letting things slide? Are you allowing trespassers costumed as harmless visuals? Are you turning your back on what you should be stopping at the gate?

Some of us are not only gatekeepers for ourselves, but also gatekeepers for children put in our care, for new Christians we are mentoring or lost loved ones who are watching us very, very closely.

Think today about the things crossing through the gates you've been called to keep. Think hard. 

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