Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 24-26

"Remember, O Lord, your unfailing love and compassion, which you have shown from long ages past." Psalm 25:6 NLT

I won't be so bold as to say I know what David was thinking when he wrote this psalm, but if you will allow me a guess--

He wasn't thinking he needed to remind God of anything!

God didn't need reminded of He saved Noah and his family from a watery grave.

He didn't need reminded of how faithful He was to Abraham and his many offspring.

Or of the three Hebrew boys who were thrown into the fiery furnace and who walked out.

God didn't need to be reminded of any of those times He was faithful and loving and compassionate--but I'm guessing David did.

Like we do.

We need to recall God's track record of goodness.

We need to have His faithfulness brought to our memory when times are tough and our resources are exhausted.

We need to be reminded of how big our God is in proportion to our problems! 

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