Sunday, June 26, 2011

Today's reading: Luke 15-16

"Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones..." Luke 16:10 NLT

Maybe it's just me, but the size of your 'faith pill' depends completely on how personal the matter is to your heart. The more intimately it touches your life. The closer it is to 'where you live'.

Little matters of faith run the gamut of importance and size, scope and breadth.

What I am going through, in order to grow my faith, may seem very small to you--until you're faced with the same dilemna. Where I walked, in order to grow my testimony, may have seemed like a walk in the park--until you're in the middle of a very similar journey. What I learned in my leap of faith, may seem like just a drop in the bucket to you--that is, until you're learning the same lesson and trying to recall all of the information required for the 'big exam'.

I'm not sure what your little matter of faith is today, but I believe it's time I started looking at them as intently and as prayerfully as I do my own...would you do the same???

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