Tuesday, July 5, 2022


Today's reading: 2 Kings 1-5

"Now the leaders of the town of Jericho visited Elijah. We have a problem, my lord, they told him. This town is located in beautiful natural surroundings, as you can see, but the water is bad, and the land is unproductive." 2 Kings 2:19 NLT

Never until this morning did I see our country in this verse.

Maybe it's because yesterday celebrated our nation's freedom.

Maybe it's that I believe our land is the prettiest in the world.

Maybe it was the Lord speaking to me through His Word, like He said He will do--and like I asked Him to do.

But what I see is this...

We live in a nation that allows us religious freedoms. Most of us live in homes that are bursting at the seams with blessings and provision. We are surrounded by comfort, accessability and opportunity--but we are unproductive.

We have all we need, and more, and yet we are striving for the wrong things.

We, American Christians, should be the most prolific of religions because of our place and time and freedoms.

But we're not.

To have all we have. To have been granted the godly power we have been granted. To hold within us the answer the entire nation is looking for. To have been given the charge to share the Good News. And yet we are unproductive?

How very sad is that?

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