Saturday, January 21, 2017

Today's reading: Matthew 5-7

"Yes, the way to identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit that is produced." Matthew 7:20 NLT

Living and working in my very small hometown has many advantages.

I know most everyone who comes in the lumberyard.

If I don't, I know their parents, their grandparents or a close relative of theirs.

I know where they live, what they do and usually where they attend church.

I know if their kids go to school with my young man.

There is a disadvantage, too.

I know their history.

I know their parents, their grandparents or close relatives of theirs.

I know what they've done in life.

What we know about people, the truths and the rumors, can warp our consideration of them in a detrimental way.

I'm reminded with this verse that I must identify a person by the fruit they produce--not the fruit produced by their errant cousin or during a time in their life when their choices were not led by the Holy Spirit.

And I sure hope folks will do the same kindness for me!

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