Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Today's reading: Psalm 108-110

"But deal well with me, O Sovereign Lord, for the sake of your own reputation!" Psalm 109:21 NLT

What I most like about David is his honesty in talking with the Lord. He puts it all out there. He leaves nothing to the imagination. He calls it as he feels it.

As in this chapter.

He is mad about his enemies, those who lie and slander him. And he wants God to take care of the matter.

Here are just a few of his requests of the Lord...

-arrange for an evil person to turn on him
-let him be pronounced guilty
-let his years be few
-may his children become fatherless
-may creditors seize his entire estate
-let no one be kind to him
-may all his offspring die
-curse him
-don't bless him

There is no doubt in our minds that David was seriously telling God, Sic 'em, Lord.

And to think these very thoughts were penned for history, for us to read all these years later. We hear his disgust. We feel his indignation. We root for him, knowing all he has went through because of these enemies.

But what I notice is when David says, But deal well with me.

I don't believe David would go so far as to share such deep, intimate thoughts with the Lord and not make a request for himself.

I take note of this because there are times I yell to God, Get 'em...You've seen their sins, Get 'em, God, but want Him to overlook my own sins or trespasses against others. I want justice when it's in my favor. I want revenge when it's rewarding me. I want God's help when I'm wronged, but not His attention when I am wrong.

Lots to think about this morning as I prepare to enter the world, bump into others, get my feelings hurt and my feet stomped on.

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