Friday, August 27, 2021


Today's reading: Hosea 8-14

"...But then they deserted me for Baal-peor, giving themselves to that shameful idol. Soon they became as vile as the god they worshiped." Hosea 9:10 NLT

I've camped out on this portion of Scripture this week as our Sunday School lesson is in this same section of the Bible.

This same verse has leapt off the page at me on more than one occasion.

It has pricked my heart.

It has unsettled me.

It has given me pause.

It has made me stop and ask...

What/Who am I starting to look like? Act like? Mimic? Sound like? Quote often? Refer to in conversation to a great degree? Dress to impress?

Who is it people say I am starting to resemble? Take after? Sound like?

If God is the answer, all praise to Him!

If anything or anyone else, I am headed down a dark, slippery path that will lead to heartache, sinful choices, separation from God and disappointment.

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