Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Today's reading: Nehemiah 5-9

"My reply was, You know you are lying. There is no truth in any part of your story. They were just trying to intimidate us, imagining that they could break our resolve and stop the work. So I prayed for strength to continue the work." Nehemiah 6:8-9 NLT

Nehemiah knew a lie when it was spoken to him ONLY because he knew the truth. He was well aware of Sanballat's, Tobiah's and Geshem's plan to thwart God's work being done. And Nehemiah knew to expect all levels of attempts at intimidation, discouragement and threat.

And for us, it's never a matter of sorting out all the lies that our enemy throws at us, it is about knowing what God says is true.

Do you know what God says about you?

About His plans for you?

About the purpose, the intent, the charge He has placed on your life?

Do not spend your time wondering about what isn't true, focus on what is. When presented a thought that you don't believe is from God--look into His Word for verification. When a lie is whispered into your ear, counter it with what God says is true.

Know the truth.


Get back to work for the Lord!

Monday, November 29, 2021


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 23-25

"When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back and get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the Lord your God will bless you in all you do." Deuteronomy 24:19 NLT

As you're out doing some Christmas shopping, you'll notice them.

The folks sitting on the side of the road with their signs... 'Will Work For Good' or 'Homeless' or 'Veteran Needing Help'.

Your heart is quickly grabbed by the sight and your mind races wondering, How much cash is there in my wallet? Then sadly, What will they do with the money I give them?

This morning's Scripture doesn't have much to say about what the foreigners, orphans and widows--it's speaking to us.

To give.

To help.

To bring glory to God by our actions.

To be blessed by our Father in heaven.

So let's be His hands and feet this special season. Allow Him to work through us, for us and in us, while we help another.

Sunday, November 28, 2021


Today's reading: 1 John 4-5

"I write this to you who believe in the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life." 1 John 5:13 NLT

Maybe you need to here the words spoken through this verse today...

This is not all there is!

Life has bitten you hard. Taken a chunk out of you. Or is dragging you around like a dog carries a bone.

If you believe in the Son of God and have accepted His gracious gift of salvation, things only get better for you after this life ends!

But then there are some of you who have lived picture perfect lives. Minimal heartache. Only minor inconveniences on this journey through this world.

I'm so happy for you!

But there is something in this verse for you, too...

Things only get better for you who know Jesus as Savior and Lord!

You are in one of two camps, but either camp--if you are a child of God, is a good place to be!

Saturday, November 27, 2021


Today's reading: Acts 19-20

"...Gentlemen, you know that our wealth comes from this business." Acts 19:25 NLT

Demetrius was a wealthy silver-idol making businessman in the city of Ephesus.

When Paul came along and disrupted his trade by teaching about Jesus, it got in his pocketbook because not as many little silver gods were being sold.

Demetrius, like too many of us, believe what we have--whether it be money, health, possession or abilities--is any of our own doing.

Mr. Silver, here, thought he had cared and provided for his family all those years.

He thought his hands produced what was needed to put food on the table and clothes on his children's back.

He believed this New Way was going to disrupt all he had come to love and be comfortable in.

Oh, but if he only knew how his world and life could change knowing Jesus!

Friday, November 26, 2021


Today's reading: Malachi

"Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each others, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and loved to think about him." Malachi 3:16 NLT

Tis the season for parents to begin threatening their kids with the ominous words, Santa's watching!

No child wants to be scratched off Santa's list...or to receive a bag of coal come Christmas morning.

Aah, the simplicities of childhood, you say. But...

Are we as concerned as the children when we think of God having a list of 'those who feared and loved to think about Him'?

Is your name on His list?

Are you known as one of His--in word and deed?

Unlike Santa, God needn't check His list and check it twice!

Thursday, November 25, 2021


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 11-12

"When the clouds are heavy, the rains come down." Ecclesiastes 11:3 NLT

We've wrapped up the harvest season on the grain farm I work for doing bookkeeping.

Blood, sweat and tears have been shed--in an effort to get crops in, cared for and out of the fields and in thanksgiving for a bumper crop, safety and good health during the year.

There have been a few trying times...

Wondering if the rains would stop.

Wondering if the rains would come.

Mechanical failure.

Attempting to procure parts for the mechanical failures.

There were a few days when the rainclouds hung heavily over the farmers heads and hearts.

BUT, the heavy clouds bring the much needed rain!

I am blessed to watch this group of believing farmers continue on, trusting the Lord in all He sent their way.

What a lesson for me. 

What a lesson for this thanks-filled day.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 137-139

"Beside the rivers of Babylon, we sat and wept as we thought of Jerusalem. We put away our lyres, hanging them on the branches of the willow trees. For there our captors demanded a song of us, Sing us one of those songs of Jerusalem! But how can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land?" Psalm 137:1-4 NLT

There have been days over this past few years when a whole heap of us felt like the exiled Jews on foreign soil.

Lives have been disrupted.

Sadness abounds.

Chaos is everywhere.

Joy has been stretched until it is paper thin.

But friends, we have a reason to sing our songs of the Lord!

He is so good. His faithfulness never wavers. His promises remain true and steadfast and dependable.

So in this time of desperation...let us sing songs of our Lord while on this foreign soil!

We have so very much to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Today's reading: Nehemiah 1-4

"Sanballat was very angry when he learned that we were rebuilding the wall. He flew into a rage and mocked the Jews, saying in front of his friends and the Samarian army officers, What does this bunch of poor, feeble Jews think they are doing? Do they think they can build the wall in a day if they offer enough sacrifices? Look at those charred stones they are pulling out of the rubbish and using again!" Nehemiah 4:1-2 NLT

There is a good possibility when you were saved, you felt like Nehemiah standing before Sanballat in this very portion of Scripture.

You had acquaintances that questioned your decision to follow the Lord. They reminded you of your sordid past. They tssk-tssked you for the decision. They offered nothing but condemnation and criticisms. They even asked, How in the world will God ever use you?

Let them talk.

Let them spout angry insults.

Let them doubt.

But above all else--let them see what all God has done, is doing and will do in your life.

In the words of an older song...Let's give them something to talk about!

Monday, November 22, 2021


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 20-22

"When you go out to fight your enemies and you face horse and chariots, and an army greater than your own, do not be afraid. The Lord your God, who brought you safely out of Egypt is with you! Before you go into battle, the priest will come forward to speak to the troops. He will say, Listen to me, all you men of Israel! Do not be afraid as you go out to fight today! Do not lose heart or panic. For the Lord your God is going with you! He will fight for you against your enemies, and he will give you victory!" Deuteronomy 20:1-4 NLT

The treasure found in this portion of Scripture is just what I need for a Monday morning!

Its words encourage me.

Its truths remind me.

Its simplicity leaves me informed and not scratching my head.

Its word picture give my heart and mind a boost.

Its appearance on a dark, hard-to-get-up Monday morning is nothing but God-sent.

I'm claiming these verses as my Monday prayer...and I'm going forth into battle!

Sunday, November 21, 2021


Today's reading: 1 John 1-3

"And how can we be sure that we belong to him? By obeying his commandments." 1 John 2:3 NLT

How you live, how you praise, how you worship and how you tell of His goodness will be a very strong indicator of God living inside you.

There is the prayer of salvation--the only way to God, but there is the fruit that comes from His forgiveness and grace.

It's loving your neighbor, it's gathering to worship with fellow Christians, it's going out and telling the Good News of Jesus.

How are you doing living out your salvation?

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Today's reading: Acts 17-18

"While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was deeply troubled by all the idols he saw everywhere in the city." Acts 17:16 NLT

Maybe Paul's resolve wasn't tempted by the idols surrounding him.

I tend to think he had 'put to rest' any tug gods had on his heart and mind.

There's a good possibility he saw the trinkets and little statues as what they were, merely modeled shapes of silver and wood.

But his heart hurt for the people who bought into the lie.

The folks who trusted in the man-made gods.

The people who carried these pocket idols with them everywhere they went, depending upon their powers.

He hurt for them--because they didn't know His Lord and Savior.

Are you deeply troubled by all the idols you see around you? Does it break your heart to know there are so many sin-sick and grasping for gods who cannot help them?

Or have we become so accustomed to what's around us that it doesn't trouble us any more?

Friday, November 19, 2021


Today's reading: Zechariah 8-14

"This is what the Lord my God says: Go and care for a flock that is intended for slaughter." Zechariah 11:4 NLT

Isn't that just what the Lord has asked us to do?

To care for a dying world.

To love on those whose sins pile up higher than their heads.

To attend to those who don't think they need this God we serve.

To share our lives, and our stories, with those who believe they are good enough on their own.

To provide hope to the hopeless.

To give grace where retaliation is expected.

To shower joy into the lives of those who are fearful and worn out.

The Good Shepherd has asked us to shepherd--but not just the cleaned up, shined up, dressed up lambs sitting on the pews beside us!

Thursday, November 18, 2021


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 9-10

"But even so, the quiet words of a wise person are better than the shouts of a foolish king." Ecclesiastes 9:17 NLT

I don't know how you go about sharing the Gospel with this world, but I believe the verse today reminds us of how best we might all be doing it.

I believe it tells us that more impact will be made with how we live than what we will ever say.

I think it's leading us to understand that as important as it is, as soon as the Lord's appearing is, as much of a life or death matter that it is, it still takes a quiet, wise person to relay the message.

Are we presenting the love of God in a loving manner?

Are we letting our little lights shine--or shining a spotlight on their sins?

Are we living lives that ooze so immensely with God's grace that they are touched by it?

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 133-136

"I know the greatness of the Lord--that our Lord is greater than any other god." Psalm 135:5 NLT

I don't remember who exactly told me, but I have always remembered the phrase...'Watch the 'G', if you focus on the big "G"(God), you won't get tripped up on the little "g"s(gods).'

It's true.

For those of us who know the greatness of God, little gods lose their lustre.

For those of us who walk daily with God, little gods won't lead us astray.

For those of us who have had their lives reclaimed, restored, redeemed and renewed by God, little gods won't tempt us with their baubles and falsehoods, with their fleeting promises or their eye-catching baits.

Watch the "G", friends!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Today's reading: Ezra 6-10

"When I heard this, I tore my clothing, pulled hair from my head and beard, and sat down utterly shocked. Then all who trembled at the words of the God of Israel came and sat with me because of this unfaithfulness of his people. And I sat utterly appalled until the time of the evening service." Ezra 9:3-4 NLT

We have church meetings to discuss budgets.

We have gatherings at the church to eat.

We assemble for worship.

We join hands in praying for the sick and afflicted, the politicians we don't agree with and current events.

But to gather in conviction and repentance?

To sit silently sorrowful for where we have allowed sin to creep into our church houses, our sacred houses of worship, His house? 

To consider God's Word and tremble at what it means for us, for our loved ones, for the world?

To bow before God and truly be sorry for where we have fallen slack in our own individual Christian disciplines?

To quote an old hymn, How long has it been?  

My guess is... too long.

Monday, November 15, 2021


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 16-19

"When you hear about it, investigate the matter thoroughly..." Deuteronomy 17:4 NLT

Did you know the most common form of exercise in the Christian community is 'jumping to conclusions'?

Sadly, it's true.

We hear a rumor, we assume it's fact.

We are told some information, we suppose it to be true.

We have an inkling, we presume it to be believable.

We catch bits and pieces of a conversation, we fill in the blanks.

We are given parts of a story, we surmise the rest.

But it tells us clearly in God's Word, as he was speaking to the Israelites in regards to rules for justice among the people, we need to investigate the matter thoroughly.

We need to pray. We need to seek God's direction in the matter. We need to be very, very careful in who we ask alongside us in the investigation of the matter.

Jumping to conclusions in the Christian family is not helpful, not edifying, not needed.

Sunday, November 14, 2021


Today's reading: 2 Peter

"...he has given us all of his rich and wonderful promises..." 2 Peter 1:4 NLT

"So make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life..." 2 Peter 1:5 NLT

The story is told of an immigrant sailing from Ireland who scraped together just enough for passage on a ship to America.

As he journeyed across the seas, he quickly ran out of the stores of food he had packed for the long trip. And he sat many days until the arrival on the new land hungry and his belly aching.

As they neared the dock in New York City, he wandered into a part of the ship he had not seen on his several week boat ride. It was a grand cafeteria. Smells of food caused his stomach to rumble. The sights of people eating gave him hunger pains worse than he had ever had.

As he fumbled around in his pocket for any money he might have, he asked a ship porter about the food and the cost...worried he would never have enough.

The porter told him the food, three meals a day, were included in the price of the ticket aboard.

All these long, hungry days the Irish man had not benefited from what his ticket allowed him.

Much like us as Christians.

There is so much more available to us as His than we could ever utilize.

Let's begin today applying the promises of the Lord to our lives. Taking part in what He has given us. Using the blood-bought benefits of our adoption.

Saturday, November 13, 2021


Today's reading: Acts 15-16

"Her masters' hopes of wealth were now shattered, so they grabbed Paul and Silas and dragged them before the authorities at the marketplace. The whole city is in an uproar because of these Jews! they shouted. They are teaching the people to do things that are against Roman customs." Acts 16:19-21 NLT

When their money is involved...

When their schedules are affected...

When their traditions are changed...

When their control is lessened...

When their motives are questioned...

When the spotlight goes off them...

...the unsaved world becomes panicked, perturbed and put off by Christians.

They don't mind us one bit IF we go along with the flow of 'things as they want it'.

They don't mind us buying in their stores, going along with their plans, supporting their agendas (by not standing against them we are supporting them) and laughing at their forms of entertainment.

As a matter of fact, their pockets are lined with our money, our attention and our comfort.

So I'll ask you what I asked myself...Are you shaking anyone up? Are your beliefs raising any hackles? Are you bothering anyone's conscience? Are you refusing because of your beliefs or bending to convenience?

Or do they even notice you and your beliefs?

Friday, November 12, 2021


Today's reading: Zechariah 1-7

"...What do you see now?.." Zechariah 4:2, 5:2 NLT

Zechariah was given a night vision from the Lord. A vision that came with an angel that directed him, guided him and explained things to him.

I noticed the words, What do you see now? 

The angel asks Zechariah to explain what he saw on two different instances.

Zechariah gave the facts as he saw them, what his eyes revealed, what was tangible.

But the angel?

The angel provided him with the meaning, the background, the behind the scenes information that made Zechariah understand God's actions.

All at once I 'wished for that angel'. Someone to slow me down, lift me up and open my eyes to the why's of life.

Then God reminded me...I have something better than an angel!

He has given me His Holy Spirit.

It is within me telling me the truths of God when the enemy tells me lies.

It reminds me of the victory that has already been achieved by my Lord and Savior.

It intercedes on my behalf when my prayers are mumbled groanings.

The Holy Spirit also says, on occasion, What do you see? And then it gives me pause to recall this simple fact: I see so much less than God does. I see what is temporal. What is right before me.

So while the Holy Spirit asks the question, He also provides me the answer in my soul...that I will see God in all things IF I choose to look for Him.

So, friend, what do you see?

Thursday, November 11, 2021


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 7-8

"...And in the face of death, wickedness will certainly not rescue those who practice it." Ecclesiastes 8:8 NLT

I have friends and loved ones, as I am sure you do, that are not saved. They refuse the Gospel and its message of salvation. They don't believe they need God.

It breaks my heart for them.

It scares me for their eternal souls.

Because, as the verse says, all they are leaning on in this world is of no use to them now--and will be even less use to them when death comes to their bodies.

Careers won't rescue them from hell.

Educations won't relieve them of eternal misery.

Recreation won't carry their spirits to a sweet reward.

Alcohol will no longer dull their pain.

Drugs will no longer carry their minds to distorted places of  'peace'.

They themselves will find that they are lacking, incapable and--in their last moments, wrong.

But if they had Jesus...

If they knew God, and He knew them as His own...

If the Holy Spirit were guarantor for their lives...

They would be rescued. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 133-135

"Your priests will be agents of salvation; may your loyal servants sing for joy." Psalm 132:9 NLT

"I will make its priests the agents of salvation; its godly people will sing for joy." Psalm 132:16 NLT

Maybe you've awoken this morning and our enemy has already served you a plate of lies.

Could it be he has whispered in your ear that you have no purpose? That you are useless? That there is nothing you can do of any good, of any help, to make an impact?

Firstly, our enemy is a liar!

Secondly, today's Scripture tells us otherwise. It exposes his falsehoods. It reminds us of the truth.

We are to be agents of salvation.

No, we cannot save anyone...only Jesus can do that.

But can you help release someone, link by link, from the chains of depression by a smile, by a kind word, by listening?

Can you rescue someone carrying burdensome loads by praying with them or for them? 

Can you help set a captive free from being overwhelmed by giving a hand? A harried mom of small children? A friend who is caring for aging parents? A neighbor who might need a lift to the grocery store?

Can you break the cycle of generational sins in a new believer's life by way of encouragement? Mentoring? Discipleship? A card dropped in the mail? A text? An offer to have them sit with you in church?

No, we aren't given any special badges, gadgets or dossiers holding page after page of intel, but we are given the task of being agents of salvation, the power of the Holy Spirit within us and the Bible full of instruction.

That is your mission, do you choose to accept it?

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Today's reading: Ezra 1-5

"With praise and thanks, they sang this song to the Lord: He is so good! His faithful love for Israel endures forever! Then all the people gave a great shout, praising the Lord because the foundation of the Lord's Temple had been laid." Ezra 3:11 NLT

With their work clothes still on.

With raised sweaty, dirty hands.

With still a major uncompleted task lying ahead of them.

They praised God. Stopped everything they were doing and praised God. Grabbed the praise team and 'had church' over how good and loving and gracious God was to them.

A lesson for me this morning.

-To praise Him for what He is doing behind the scenes.

-To thank Him for doing anything at all for a wretch like me.

-To honor Him for knowing just what I need, when I need it, in what way I need it to arrive.

-To offer my appreciation to Him for having allowed me to the abilities and provision to get to where I am today.

He is so good! His faithful love for Malinda endures forever!

Monday, November 8, 2021


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 13-15

"Suppose there are prophets among you, or those who have dreams about the future, and they promise you signs or miracles, and the predicted signs or miracles take place. If the prophets then say, Come, let us worship the gods of foreign nations, do not listen to them. The Lord your God is testing you to see if you love them with all your heart and soul." Deuteronomy 13:1-3 NLT

Let's get this out in the open...

It's not always the flashy pastors.

Or the smooth talking television evangelists.

Or the denominationally approved theologian.

God sometimes chooses to test our love for Him by way of our nearest and dearest...

The children you've brought into this world.

The church family you've grown up with.

The soft spoken pastor you've listened to for years and years.

The spouse God gave you.

Who do you love more than God?


The one who has your heart, has your eye, your ears, your mind and your soul.

Sunday, November 7, 2021


Today's reading: 1 Peter 4-5

"Dear friends, don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead be very glad--because these trials will make you partners with Christ in his suffering, and afterward you will have the wonder joy of sharing his glory when it id displayed to all the world." 1 Peter 4:12-13 NLT

Let's get this out in the open: Not every trial a Christian goes through is from God. Some are brought on by ourselves. And some are brought on by the world we live in.

But HOW we go through those trials, what we learn from them, how our faith is grown, how we witness to others through them--that's how we partner with Christ.

If God sent the trial, you will learn more about Him as you 'wear His t-shirt and learn while on His team'.

If you bring it on yourself, you will find strength in Him to change, grow, endure or seek out His 'way out'.

If the world brings on your trial, you will need to shine. Like a lighthouse on a dark, stormy night. Like a welcoming candle in a farm cottage window. Like a flashlight breaking the darkness on a wooded path. Like a headlamp beaming forth into the tunnels of a God-less world. Let your little light shine!

Trials can produce in us more, much more, than a good story line in our testimony. They can help us reach others.

Saturday, November 6, 2021


Today's reading: Acts 13-14

"As Paul and Barnabas left the synagogue that day, the people asked them to return again and speak about these things the next week." Acts 13:42 NLT

I don't know about you, but when I speak to someone of God, the Gospel, Christian disciplines, I want the conversation to end with them wanting to talk more about it.

I don't want a door closed in my face.

I don't want to be shunned when they see me in Wal Mart.

I don't want to have my cell number deleted from their contacts.

I don't want to leave them battered and bruised from my having beaten them over the head with Scripture.

I want to leave them wanting more of what I have and more of what Christ offers. 

I want to state the truth in love.

I want to present the Word of God as it is.

I want them to see the thrill I have of serving and loving and being forgiven by Christ.

That's what Paul and Barnabas did for the folks in Antioch. They are an example for me to follow.

Friday, November 5, 2021


Today's reading: Habakkuk

"For the time will come when all the earth will be filled, as the waters fill the sea, with an awareness of the glory of the Lord." Habakkuk 3:14 NLT

We just wrapped up Breast Cancer Awareness month. We have had Mental Health Awareness month. There is Alzheimer Awareness month. Native American History Awareness month. Vision Health month. 

Days and times set aside to highlight and bring focus in on different topics, needs, health problems and situations.

As a Christian I'm reminded that on a daily basis, no matter what I am going through, I have been put on earth to bring awareness to the glory of the Lord.

Every day of my life is Awareness of God's Glory Day!

In everything I say. All I do. Whatever it might be I put my hand to. How I react. In the hope I hold to.

The entire world isn't noticing God--but I want to make sure the part of it I'm currently in hears me honor Him in how I live and breathe.

Thursday, November 4, 2021


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 5-6

"Throughout their lives, they live under a cloud--frustrated, discouraged and angry." Ecclesiastes 5:17 NLT

Do you remember the Winnie The Pooh character, Eeyore?

The timid, forlorn, tail-tacked-on, donkey. 

The one who, in several instances, walked around with a raincloud over his head.

I see human-Eeyore's too often to count.

Doom and gloom litter their speech. Fear and anxiety wreak havoc on their thoughts. Dread infects every plan they attempt to make. Mad at the world. They never expect anything good to happen to them. A permanent scowl is etched into the lines of their faces.

It has to be a very sad life to live. It is certainly sad to watch. Even sadder to be at the receiving end of their conversations.

It is not a life intended for God's children!

If you have Eeyore tendencies, I ask that you spend some time seeking God's change in your life.

If you know an Eeyore, I ask that you make every effort to bring some sunshine into their lives.

Know this: living under the rainbow of God's promises will beat living under a cloud of defeat every time!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 128-130

"From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me--let Israel now say--from my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me, but they have never been able to finish me off. My back is covered with cuts, as if a farmer had plowed long furrows. But the Lord is good; he has cut the cords used by the ungodly to bind me." Psalm 129:1-4 NLT 

Maybe you  are having a tough day. A rough season. A hard life.

Things aren't going well--at all for you.

Our enemy has found you and is bullying you in every corner of your life.

The words of well meaning friends carry about as much weight as those who joined Job around his trash heap.

The sunshine seemingly shines on every one but you.

I believe today's verses are for you.

More specifically, these words...

But the Lord is good...

Because He is. Always has been. Always will be.

So post the words where you can see them.

Memorize them and speak them out loud.

Write them on your hand.

Be reminded, times may be tough, the enemy may be pummeling you, BUT God is good!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 33-36

"Then stand in your appointed holy places and help the families assigned to you as they bring their offerings to the Temple." 2 Chronicles 35:5 NLT

Maybe, like today, the servants in the Temple eyed other tasks or jobs with envy.

If they were called to be greeters, they secretly desired to be a choir member.

If they were called to teach, they wanted the glory and honor that was given to the one who offered the morning sacrifice.

If they were asked to serve in the church nursery, they quietly wished they were the piano player.

Maybe that's why God's instructions were 'to stand in your appointed holy places and help'.

I think we all need the reminder that IF God places us in a certain place, circumstance or situation--it makes that appointment holy.

He knows what we will need from the interaction.

He knows what the other person needs from the interaction.

He knows the glory He will receive from our job well done.

So I encourage you, as I am doing to myself, stand where you have been asked to stand--it is holy ground!

Monday, November 1, 2021


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 10-12

"At that time the Lord set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the Ark of the Lord's covenant, to minister before the Lord, and to pronounce blessings in his name. These are still their duties." Deuteronomy 10:8 NLT

Church, I have a bone to pick with you. With us. With me.

During this time of social distancing, seclusion, quarantine, and being 'set apart', we have forgotten our mission.

What we have been placed here to do.

What our duties are.

What are command is.

What our Great Commission is still calling us to do.

We are to reach others for Christ.

To tell them of His greatness, His saving power, His redeeming love, His overwhelming grace.

By how we live.

By what we do.

And when necessary, with what we say.

These are unprecedented times requiring never before attempted ministry outreach.

Are we remembering our duty?

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