Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 25-28

"...The man of God replied, The Lord is about to give you much more than this!" 2 Chronicles 25:9 NLT

Amaziah was faced with a choice--obey God, or be out a whole lot of money.

It would be so very easy for us to say, OBEY GOD--ALWAYS!

But do we do what we preach?

When we're in the middle of a commitment--and God asks us to step aside?

When we're up to our ears in a program or ministry--and God leads us to take a sabbatical?

When we've booked that vacation--and God doesn't give us peace about going?

When we've made a complete fool of ourselves in front of folks--and God asks us to share our testimony?

When we're in a crowd of needs--and God asks us to pray--out loud--with those gathered?

It's those opportunities, when God offers us so much more than what we're currently holding that we need to lean in to obedience.

Every time.

Where ever we are.

So that God's blessings can shower us!

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