Saturday, October 7, 2023


Today's reading: Acts 3-4

"When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money." Acts 3:3 NLT

Now I don't think Peter and John were dressed to the nines.

I don't believe they wore the latest in Jerusalem fashion.

I don't think they had arrived in style.

But this crippled man saw something in them he wanted.

Needed really.

They carried something within them that led this needy fella had been looking for.

Know what?

We have within us what the needy around us need, too.

Believer, we have the Holy Spirit coursing through our veins, radiating from our spirits, reflecting from our hearts and, hopefully, showing up on our faces.

We should be living lives that make the needy ask us for a piece of Him!

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