Monday, August 18, 2014

Today's reading:  Numbers 5-8

I've read this morning where God gave his people instructions as to what/who/how/when they should live in order to be holy and set apart as His people.

The list is exhaustive.   The list goes on and on.  The list seems, seems mind you, impossible and impractical for 2014.

But He is a holy God who demands respect and awe and honor.  And while the customs and practices involved in Numbers 5-8 seem quite antiquated, the need for us to be a different people following a different set of rules, striving to live a different kind of life remain.

So after having read the day's Scripture, I've got to pause and allow God to speak to me about how He wants me to be different, set apart, designated as His.

I'll state first and foremost it begins with me accepting Him as my personal Savior.  Believing He died on the cross, rose again and His forgiveness of my sins is the ONLY way to heaven.

But beyond that...  

Will it be in what I say or don't say?  Will it be in what I laugh at or don't?  Will it be in what I tolerate or allow?  Will it be in the limits I put on the world entering my home?  Will it be in the tight reins I put on myself?  Will I refuse to harbor things in my heart that He speaks clearly against?

I am as set apart as the Israelites.  He is as deserving of my life honoring Him in 2014 as He was as the Israelites began entering Canaan.  He has given me commands to follow, rules not to break, convictions to live out in my I doing what He has asked?

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