Monday, March 11, 2019

Today's reading: Numbers 8:5-9:23, Mark 12:28-44, Psalm 50:16-23

"But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me..." Psalm 50:23 NLT

When I think of sacrifices, I think of things that cost me dearly, take up some of my precious time and really and truly show God my devotion and love for Him.

But, giving thanks?

Telling God, 'Thank you'?

Being thankful?

A sacrifice?

Maybe I'm not doing it right. Or often enough. Or glossing over the things that should elicit a thanks-filled heart.

I want to sacrifice by giving thanks.

I want to thank God more than I ask of Him.

I want to make sure my conversation in regards to Him is filled with appreciation and thankfulness.

I want to stand before friends and family and them see a life of thanks.

I want to speak up about all God has done for me!

That will cost me. It will take my time and energy. It will reveal my heart.

I owe Him that much--and so much more!

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