Monday, August 21, 2023


Today's reading: Numbers 5-8

Chapter 7 of Numbers talks about how each of Israel's tribes offered gifts to the Lord, for the establishment of the Tabernacle. One of the gifts given by each tribe was a silver platter.

A silver platter.

What in the world were wandering, former slave, nomads doing with silver platters?

They, according to a few sources I read from, were gifts from their former Egyptian slavemasters.

Parting gifts. Apologetic presents. Sympathetic gestures of appreciation.

Having been slaves, having been completely dependent upon the grace and mercy of another, having had nothing of their own, these tribes might have wanted/needed to keep the platters.

To remind them of where they had come from.

As a source of provision.

As security.

But God asks them to give the platters to Him. All they have that's tying them to their past, He's asking that they donate to Him.

What might He ask of you? What token of the former you could He ask you to give to Him? What identifier of your past might He ask you to let go of, so that you could now be known as His?


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