Friday, February 9, 2024


Today's reading: Job 11-12

"...Who doesn't know these things you've been saying?" Job 12:3 NLT

Among believers there is a tendency to be able to dole out the wisdom, advice and instruction that's found in the Word--but not personally apply it.

We know it, we just don't always apply it.

We have the words stored in our memory and sometimes in our hearts, but we don't always use it accordingly.

We have the knowledge, we just don't have the wisdom to use what we know.

Or we choose not to.

Or we determine in our hearts that we don't need it.

Or that it's good advice for someone else, but would never work in our set of circumstances.

Who doesn't know is not the problem...

Who doesn't apply what we know is the real issue at hand!

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