Thursday, October 14, 2021


Today's reading: Proverbs 31

"She has no fear of winter for her household because all of them have warm clothes." Proverbs 31:21 NLT

October is probably my favorite month of the year.

It hold within its thirty-one days, robin's egg blue skies, cooler nights, stars that pop and colored leaves all over the place. It's simply beautiful.

October also signals winter is coming. Get ready. 

Getting ready for winter means so much less today than it did in our Proverbs 31 gal's live, or even 100-200 years ago.

I have come to the conclusion, had I lived during her time, or even a few centuries back, I would certainly not have lived to the ripe old age I am today.

I'd have probably not made it through my first winter as an adult.

It would have required a whole lot of work. Preparation. Effort. Skills I do not possess.

I doubt I'd have had a pantry filled with canned goods to last me through the winter.

My root cellar would have been sparce.

And knowing my propensity to hunt, we probably would have become vegetarians--and I doubt that would have allowed me adequate nourishment for the long haul.

I think God has kind of spoiled me in the area of 'prepping' for hard times.

You see, each morning, His mercies are new. They are fresh. They are available for me to partake of the moment I wake up and step into His presence.

What His Word says nourishes me. Sustains me. Gets me through tough times.

There is a reason God chose me to live in this century not past ones--and I'm glad!

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