Friday, August 18, 2017

Today's reading: Daniel 7-11

"He will take refuge in his own fortresses but will stumble and fall, and he will be seen no more." Daniel 11:19NLT

We have a collection of cardboard boxes at the lumberyard where I work.

It's a tall one. It's a precariously stacked mountain, to say the least

It's an assortment of boxes we use to 'bag' up merchandise purchased by our customers that won't easily fit into a shopping bag.

We have made it a joke to state out loud to a fellow employee that we're going to the box pile, in case the pile falls upon us and we are found missing.

I immediately thought of this box pile when I read today's verse!

I try to build up safe places for myself. Places that I can run to. Places I can hide in. Places where I think the world cannot get to me.

What I try to build for myself is nothing stronger, grander, sturdier than our cardboard box pile at work.

I can keep using these 'fortresses' of mine if I so choose, God will allow me to do it, but one of these days, my 'fortresses' will tumble and I'll not be seen for the rubble.

That's a huge thing to think about as the sun rises on this new day. Which fortress will I run to--my own or to God?

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