Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Today's reading:  Psalm 120-121

"The Lord himself watches over you!  The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.  The sun will not hurt you by day, nor the moon by night."  Psalm 121:5-6 NLT

The Lord Himself watches over me.


The Lord Himself watches over me.

What a thought!

The Lord Himself watches over me.

He's certainly got His hands full!

The Lord Himself watches over me.

I must be loved.

The Lord Himself watches over me.

Why should I ever doubt, fear or be troubled?

The Lord Himself watches over me.

Hmmm, shouldn't I live accordingly?

The Lord Himself watches over me.

There are days He's disappointed.

The Lord Himself watches over me.

Today, the Lord Himself will be watching over me!

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