Friday, December 23, 2011

Today's reading: Revelation 12-17

"...But do not be dismayed, for here is your opportunity to have endurance and faith." Revelation 13:10 NLT

Believe it or not, Christmas time might well be one of the most stress-filled, blood pressure-raising, harder-to-be-Christian times of the year!

More people to tolerate. More pet peeves to overlook. More unloveliness to ignore. More folks ignoring the real reason for the season and more saints acknowledging the Christ Child in more determined ways than you.

'Tis the season!

To try harder. To glow more brightly with Christ's love. To tend to hurting lambs and stand-offish prodigals. To smile. To laugh. To relax and enjoy every moment.

Here and now is our opportunity to show God's love--in honor of the Baby's birth!

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