Friday, October 2, 2020

Today's reading: Matthew 1-4

In reading through the fourth chapter of Matthew where Jesus is tempted by Satan, I catch a glimpse of just what I needed for today.

I see the truth.

I see Satan's trap for what it is.

The 'if' he likes to set out as bait for me to sniff at, take a bite of--and WHAM, then I am caught in his snare!

'If you are the Son of God, change these stones...'

'If you are the Son of God, jump...'

'I will give it all to you, if you will only kneel down and worship me...'

And to think he offers these baits to Jesus!


Oh, he doesn't tempt me with miracle-sized things. Or magical things. Or things that are monumental in nature.

He whispers small 'if-s' in my ear.

'I wonder if they meant that how it sounded...'

'If you were any good that would have went better...'

'If they thought much of you...'

'If this God of yours loved you as much as you say He does, would this really be happening...'

Oh, friends, he baits traps with 'if-s' all day long.

He knows just what catches my attention, gets me off course and diverts my affections.

But this morning, I'm fore-warned. I'm going to be watching out. I'm privy to his tactics!

And now, so are you!

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